Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Dax, just started flag football with his cousin Mckay and loves to play. Dax loves when dad gets home so he can throw the football around. That is one thing about having all boys, I have to get used to all the sports.


Jared and Misty Jensen said...

So I think I really do have an addiction!!! We were just talking about blogs at the Lawrences and could not resist getting on and looking at every ones blog!!! I was so happy to see your update!!! Dax looks like he's ready to play!!!! GO Dax!!! Tell your mom she needs to have some girls to be cheerleaders for you out there!!! Ha!Ha! Just kiddin Jamie.

Kira said...

What-- are you dying your kids' hair? Since when is Dax a blonde? Must be the California air... I am excited for Dax. I am already counting the days until I can put Tobin in a football uniform (2,372).

Amber said...

Hi it’s Amber (stout) Lewis. I have to admit I have been peeking at your blog for a while now. I cannot believe you have 4 kids and all boys WOW!!!!! They are all getting so big. Since I actually have you saved in my favorites I probably should give you my blog address:

You guys are such a cute family.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I swear Dax is 12!!!! Hey want to do a Pre-school together this fall? Nash and Gwyn?

Lisanne Lee said...


I can't believe how big your boys are getting. Each are so handsome and have killer eyes! Any woman would go to drastic measures to have anything close to those eyelashes! I'm so happy for you and you adorable family. Quickly growing.



The Christensen Family said...

Flag Football?! SO bigtime already! He is so adorable... We can't wait for sports at our house... Cole has been taking batting practice since he could hold a bat and loves to tackle McKay at every opportunity... Too bad they can't start a little earlier. Excited to see you SOON! Loves...

Anonymous said...

Well said.